In 2020, there was a manga contest for a chance at getting a nice amount of cash plus the honor of being published in the well-known Shonen Jump site (that has housed great hits like My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan and many others). The image you see above is the cover for my manga submission to the contest.
I heard of the contest when I was still in Brazil... by that time, the pandemic had already changed the entire world's dynamics. I knew I had to participate. I had only recently begun writing Part I of The Enigma of the V. When I returned home in Panama; I created a comic version of chapters 1 - 6. They were all hand-drawn and, honestly, not all that appealing. Since then, the story has undergone many edits, and things have also been added to expand upon and clarify certain elements. I'm still working on making a fully digital version of the comic, but I hope to adapt the entire length of the story (meaning Part I to Part VI). Maybe Webnovel will allow me to publish it when it's done... We can only hope, right?
If you're wondering how I faired in the contest, the answer is terrible. I failed to follow the Japanese manga panel structure, so I believe when they examined my submission, they simply could not understand it. It wasn't enjoyable when I didn't even find my submission among all the others on the website. Maybe I would have had a chance if they had actually seen and understood the story. Maybe not. But I still haven't given up on the story. After all this time, I continue to work on it. I completed it. It's available to be read on Webnovel. Perhaps it will be seen someday, and others will also love it. Time will tell. And maybe so will you...