Creation is such a wonderful thing! When you think about all the awesome works that exist out there, if you enjoy or have even the slightest appreciation for them, then you should also appreciate the one responsible for such work. Whether it be the entire universe or a short play, it makes no difference. I for one am grateful for having the drive to create something. I don't have any children, but it's what I imagine having a child would be like. There's a sense of pride over it. You want to nurture it. You want the world to know how awesome it is.
In the past few weeks I've been on a roll. Finishing 5 chapters for The Enigma of the V has me pumped for more! Compared to all that I've already written, there really isn't much left to make it to the finish line. If you have been with me from the beginning of this journey, I'd like us to get ready to celebrate. We're not there yet, but we can see the top of the mountain from this point.
Once the journey is over, I wonder what will become of my child... Will the rest of the world think it to be special? Will he succeed and transcend into other media? This I don't know. But in my eyes it will always be my precious little child.